Exhibitions Events

New York - 18 October 2007
I paint outside the lines. I live in a forest secured atop the hills of Salerno in Italy.
A choice I made when I felt suffocated by the mechanisms devised for art by the market and the critics, when they started to lavishly praise pointless works that had been created to flatter a society that was unraveling, shamelessly, without a future or prospects.
I love my work as an artist. I love playing with shapes and colors. I conjugate them into a kaleidoscope of variations that represent feelings, passions, love. I use and abuse color. I like exploring the potential of a single tone that, through imperceptible gradations, turns into living matter. Color takes on a body and defines spaces, people, and surfaces. Every time it's a challenge. A creative force that is born from the difficulty of getting myself back in the game.
_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ What a strange path. To imbue myself with art, with stimulation, I never sought out contact with official exhibits. On the contrary, I order myself to ignore them. And when I feel the need to recharge my batteries, I take refuge with a girlfriend who, while she slakes my thirst for knowledge, enchants and bewitches me. She's an island that (in summer) is trampled by thousands of people, and later abandoned, often defrauded (like every corner of the Earth, only more so), and tucked into the bed of the Mediterranean: Sardinia.
_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ From the coastline in its start was in the colors. Then I fused my spirit with the strongest parts of it: its cliffs, its thrilling scent, its extravagant variety of sensations. Like a seer I start to dialogue with the wind, the sea, the cliffs.
_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ of the great rocks that soon became my girlfriends and lovers. And she, Sardinia, the great teacher that allows me to believe that many things are born inside of me, as in the most imaginative and remote abstract paintings. This is where I come when I wish to delve into a mystery and unfailingly I find the answer. Always. In Sardinia my passion was born for bright red, violet, turquoise, yellow, and the desire to put myself to the test with monochromatic canvases. Now I feel the need to refresh my palette and I plunge into a euphoric exercise: a lesson in blue.
_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ I don't speak, I don't speak. The call of the night and the mistral wind take me away, the breeze cuddles my body. No professor interferes or tries to teach me the various components of the colors. Nature becomes my friend and teacher. I breathe slowly, observe: the light changes and transforms the colors, surfaces, and scents. The dawn in Bosa, the night of Aggius, the deep blue of Capo Testa, the friendly stones of Costa Paradiso, and the silence of the Valle della Luna capture me and invite me to take part in a divine work. I discover the ravines, the caves: I descend into the depths of the island until I feel its throbbing, its noblest part.
I slowly discover its treasures. I touch its heart.

A strange path mine. To drink of art, of stimuli, I have never sought contact with official exhibitions, on the contrary, I order myself to ignore them. And when I feel the need to recharge, I take refuge
with a friend who, while satisfying my thirst for knowledge, enchants and bewitches me. It is an island (in summer) trodden by millions of men, and then abandoned, often defrauded (as and more than any corner of the earth), it lies in the bed of the Mediterranean: Sardinia.
At first it intoxicated me with the colors of its coasts and then it fused my soul with the strongest part of it: its rocks, its exhilarating scent, its extravagant variety of sensations. As in an omen, I begin to dialogue with the wind, the sea, the rocks. In Sardinia I became a student and there I captured the density of the colors, the clear and strong presence of the Great Stones that soon became my friends and Lovers' Stones. And she, Sardinia, a great teacher, lets me believe that many things are born within me as the most fantastic and remote of abstract paintings. I come here when I want to examine a mystery and impeccable I find the answer. All time.
In Sardinia my passion for bright red, for purple, i turchesi, yellow and the desire to measure myself with monochrome canvases was born.
Now I feel the need to refine my palette and dive into a euphoric exercise: a lesson in blue.
I do not speak, I do not dare to speak, I listen. The call of the night and the mistral steal me, the breeze cuddles my body. No professor interferes or tries to teach me the various components of colors. Nature becomes friend and teacher.
I breathe slowly, I observe: the light changes and transforms the colors, the surfaces, the scents. The dawn in Bosa, the night of Aggius, the deep blue of Capo Testa, the Friendly Stones of Costa Paradiso, and the silence of the Valle della Luna captivate me and invite me to take part in a Divine work.
I discover the ravines, the cavities: I go down into the depths of the island until I feel its pulse, its noblest part. Slowly I discover his treasures, I touch his heart.
Drunk with knowledge, I become aware and I realize that the lesson is over: I feel the blue in the air, palpable as something I have always known and I was just waiting for the right moment to present it to you too. My friends.
New York - October 18, 2007
I paint outside the lines. I live in a forest perched on the hills of Salerno in Italy.
A choice made when I felt close to the mechanisms that the market and critics designed for art, when they began to praise works for their own sake, created to please a society that was crumbling, without shame, without future or prospects. I love my art, I love playing with shapes and colors, I decline them in a kaleidoscope of variations that represent feelings, passions, love. I use and abuse color. I am pleased to explore the potential of a single tone which, with imperceptible variations in gradation, transforms itself into living matter. Color takes shape and
it defines spaces, characters and surfaces. It is a way of spreading the joy of existing, mine and your story, in the objective space, with still the infinite possibility to move forward. Each time is a challenge. A creative force that comes from the difficulty of getting back into the game.